Advocating for Your Child

Doctors, nurses, teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, etc. are all experts in their fields.  They have years of schooling and specific knowledge about how to help families and children with special needs.  However, they are not the expert on your child.  Only you, as the parent, know your child better than anyone else.  You are the one who has been there from day one.  You are the one who gets them ready in the morning and puts them to bed each night.  You are the one who stayed up all night because your baby was sick.  You are the one who knows their likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, ups/downs.  In a world full of uncertainty, you are your child’s constant.

Having a child with special needs means interacting with many different professionals and teams of professions.  You, as the parent, are much a part of the team as any of the professionals.  You are the expert on your child.  Your input is as important as the input of anyone else.  Especially if your child is unable to communicate, it is your job to communicate for your child.  Never be afraid to voice your opinion or state what you feel is best for your child.  You should always feel as though you are a part of the conversation regarding your child.

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